
Here, we’ll be highlighting stellar examples from our community! Get inspired by the diverse range of apps built using Pico and unleash your own creativity.
If you’re looking to have your app added here, join us in Discord and share your app in the #showcase channel.

Useful Tools For Your Customers or Colleagues

SQL Query Generator

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Tweet Generator

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YouTube Playlist Scraper (with a custom domain!)

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Self-Criticism Reframer

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Ask The AI ChatBot Widget (Embedded)

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Talk with Mister Rogers (with audio!)

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Chat with Top Tech CEOs About Product Management

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Lead Generation Apps

Courage Ladder for DuffThePsych’s Course

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Meditation Recommender for 13th Day Studio

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Fun Apps

Digital Board Game (backed by Google Sheets)

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Penguin Clicker Game (’s addicting😅)

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Simple Weather App (using browser’s location and API)

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Slot Machine Game (with sounds)

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Online Radio Station (in Spanish)

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